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Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

At the beginning I show my respect to one God, Supreme of all Supreme. I show my respect to all the enlightened Masters of the past. I show my respect to all the Master and Teacher of Peace, who are carrying the light of peace and dedicated their life for that. And I am showing my respect to all the heroes and heroines of the future, who will be self-realized  and will become enlightened  .


"Israel`s reconciliation with God can be achieved only when they are all one brotherhood."

( Judaism. Talmud, Menahot 27a.)


Sri Aakassdeep`s message of the day : 

My dear friend, throughout the ages, all religious people had to suffer for time being. But nobody has suffered, how much Jewish people are suffering since the last 3000 years. In Egypt, how Egyptian kings tortured Jewish labor, we see that in the Torah and it is very fresh in our memory, recently Jewish people were tortured by Hitler. But this is not all, in between, again and again, Jewish people have been tortured, murdered, thrown out from the motherland. But why, just by being born in an Jewish family, one need to suffer so much? For to be born in a particular religion, no child has control over that. Then why just to be born in an Jewish family, somebody has to suffer so much? In the holy scripture God has said, among man, Jewish people are the most wisest people of all. We can see that, in every field of intelligence, Jewish people have such a great achievement and contribution, it is really impressible. Most of the Jews, either they go to intellectual side or they go for to earn money. Jews really know how to make money. Earning a lot of money needs sincerity and dedication. There is nothing wrong in that, but it is always, people will be jealous of the rich and successful ones, so if majority of the people on earth show a kind of jealousy towards Jews, then it is not to be surprised. But, everybody has a right to work hard and use their brain for to become rich and wise. For no reason feeling jealousy or hatred to some community is not fair. Rather by seeing the success of a human community, if  other people learn from them and take it as a lesson for their life, to rise towards the success for the society, will be wonderful.

Jewish people, for to earn not only in a confined small land, they travel the whole globe, they migrate to every country in the world, but unfortunately, when they rise in success, then from every country, they need to face negative treatment by the people and the rulers of the country. The most unfortunate thing happened, in 19th century, when in Germany, a mental patient like Hitler killing Jews, merciless, then Jewish people had nowhere to go, except to their ancestor land Israel. After the second world war, when millions of Jews, left without money and any possessions, then nobody wanted to keep Jews in their country. They became an economical and social burden, although we read in the history, Russia, Britain, America did a friendly gesture to send Jews in Israel, but it is not totally true. The unfortunate and raw truth is, these countries just wash away their hand to help and reestablish the Jews in Europe. They just took a quick solution and push the burden and responsibility away by moving Jews in Israel and declare Israel as a country. The whole world thinks, America is a great friend of Israel, because they are always helping Israel in Middle East, but nobody sees, how much Jewish people had to work and donate every time, when a new government comes in America. They always live in such a fear, if any government comes in America, then what kind of nightmare Israel had to face, when they are living surrounded every side by the Muslim countries. Israel and Muslim countries constantly fighting and killing each other. But it is so unfortunate, they are not enemies. They are brothers. Jews and Muslims born out of the same father. Islam and Quran are the flow from the ancient Jewish source. Little bit difference, here and there, Islam and Judaism are very much same. Because they are just the two branches of  the same tree. All the Muslim countries argue, Jewish people do not belong to Israel, in 19th century they chased away Palestinians and took their land unjustified. But this is not true and fair. Jewish people, originated in Israel and the surround land of Israel. The way, Mecca is originated and started Islam from there, same way, ancient Jewish prophets and Messiahs are from three major cities of Israel and by their ancestor the land spread and the kingdom grew. But more or less, it is where modern Israel is. If all religious peoples have the right to go back and see their ancestor land, then Jewish people should have also the right to be back to Israel and show the respect to their ancestors. In 13th or 14th century, where Muslim kings became strong and powerful, occupied Israel and established Muslim over there, it did not destroy the right of Jews, to call Israel as their ancestor land. Such as, Tibet is an ancestor land of Buddhists,  just because communist party in China is  strong, mighty and powerful, through the political power, if they throw the head of Tibet  out and control the government and land of Tibet, does not mean, Tibet belongs to China. Tibet belongs to ancient Buddhists and it will remain that way. It is a matter of time, when communist party will not be so strong, like now. Tibetan people will try and success to get back their ancestor land. Time proves again and again, truth is always finally established and prevailed. So, it will be wise, for all the Muslim land surrounding Israel, to accept Israel as their brother and create a harmonious and loving atmosphere in the Middle East. If they are constantly fighting among themselves, the war creates more bitterness. Instead of war, they should find a middle path, where a decision will do justice for Jews and Palestinians equally and will be democratically accepted by the people of Israel, Palestine and Muslim countries around Israel and Palestine.

“Israel`s reconciliation with God can be only achieved, when they are all one brotherhood.”Finally it is going to happen, as fast and soon it will happen, more faster we can have a loving atmosphere in Israel, Palestine, in the Muslim world and with all other countries in the whole world, too.


Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.






Sri AakassDeep (Author) Founder of Shantinet  | E-Mail: myfriend@shantinet.eu