Basic steps in the journey from SELF-Realization to GOD-Realization.
Primary School Steps
1 st Steps
- Illusory Nature of Time and Space
- Human Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness
- Technique of Meditation
- Development of the Intuition
- Introduction to: Human Aura, Telepathy,
Metaphysical Healing,
- Mystical Sounds, Spiritual Alchemy
2 nd Steps
- Structure and Composition of Matter
- Power of Thought
- The Creative Power of Visualization
- Mental Projection and Telepathy
- Law of the triangle
3 rd Steps
- Origin of Diseases
- Influence of Thoughts on Health
- Mystical Art of Breathing
- Healing Treatments
- Perception of the Aura
- Awakening of the Psychic Consciousness
- Mystical Sounds
4 th Steps
- The Great Religious Movements
- The Nature of Soul
- Purpose of our Spiritual Evolution
- Reincarnation and Karma
- Good and Evil and Free Will
- Intuition, Inspiration, and Illumination
High School Steps
1 st Steps
- Structure of Matter
- Positive and Negative as Vibratory Polarities
- Definitions of Electricity, Magnetism, and Electromagnetism
- Classification of Elements
- Material Alchemy
2 nd Steps
- Cosmic Consciousness
- Our Objective and Subjective Consciousness
- Mental and Sensory Illusions
- Imagination and Memory
- Physical, Psychic, and Spiritual Influence of the Subconscious
- Memory and Reasoning of the Subconscious
- Psychology and Mysticism
3 rd Steps
- Cosmic Purpose of Life
- Definitions of Living and Non-living Matter
- Incarnation of the Soul
- Transition of the Soul
- Initiatric Aspects of Death
4 th Steps
- Vital Life Force and the Living Soul
- Cycles of Life and Constant States of Flux
- Time, Space, Infinity and Eternity
- Symbols—Natural, Artificial, and Mystical
- Sacred Architecture
5 th Steps
6 th Steps
- Spiritual Dimension of Food
- Breathing and Respiratory Health
- Cell Consciousness and Cellular Health
- Therapy and Self-healing
- Personal Treatment to Restore your Psychic Equilibrium
- Physical and Mental Prevention of Disease
- Emotional and Spiritual Prevention of Disease
7 th Steps
- The Psychic Body and Psychic Centers
- Psychic Perception and Psychic Consciousness
- How to Accomplish Psychic Projection
- Nature and Symbolism of Dreams
- The Physical, Psychic, and Spiritual Auras
- Mystical Power of Vowel Sounds and Mantras
8 th Steps
- Universal Soul and the Human Soul
- Divine Consciousness and Self Consciousness
- Spiritual Evolution of Humans
- Mastery of Karma
- Reincarnation of the Soul
- Memory of Past Incarnations
- The Mystery of Birth and Death
- Help to the Dying, Before and After Death
9 th Steps
- Macrocosm and Microcosm
- The Four Principles: Earth, Water, Air and Fire
- Symbolism of the Cross, Triangle, Square, Circle, and Rose-Cross
- Mental Alchemy
- Telepathy, Telekinesis, Vibroturgy, and Radiesthesia
- Cosmic Protection, Mystical Regeneration
- Attunement with the Cosmic Consciousness
University illumination Steps.
One Message many Masters, essence of religion.
HH Moses / Torah / Judaism .
HH Jesus Christ / Bible / Christianity .
HH Muhammad / Quran / Islam .
HH Zarathustra / Zoroastrianism / Avesta .
HH Mahavira / Jainism / Akaranga .
HH Gautama Buddha / Buddhism / Dhammapada .
HH Krishna / Hinduism / Bhagavad Gita .
HH Lao Tzu / Taoism / Tao Te Ching .
Aum Shanti Shalom Salam Peace.