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Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

At the beginning I show my respect to one God, Supreme of all Supreme. I show my respect to all the enlightened Masters of the past. I show my respect to all the Master and Teacher of Peace, who are carrying the light of peace and dedicated their life for that. And I am showing my respect to all the heroes and heroines of the future, who will be self-realized  and will become enlightened.


"Have you seen him who makes his desire his god, and God sends him astray purposely, and seals up his hearing and his heart, and sets on his sight a covering? Who, then, will lead him after God [has condemned him]? Will you not then heed?"

( Islam. Qur`an 45.23.)


Sri Aakassdeep`s message of the day : 

Love is the most delicate thing in the world. After self, it will be the place of love for human consciousness to explore. Sometimes deep in my heart, I feel self and love are two sides of the same coin. Because if you love yourself, only then you can love others. Because of this, love is the most selfish thing in the world. If you cannot go to the depth of this understanding then you will always remain lost in your life. In the East, Yogis realized it, that when you become selfish, you bring the energy inside, then it goes higher and higher and then it overflows all around that person. Just see the example of a tree. Tree takes use from the root, it brings it to up, take the heat from the sun, make the food, spread that all over its branches, leaves, everywhere, it brings the flowers, people get the fragrance, it brings the fruit, people eat the fruit and get healthy, brunches spread, people get the shadow, same way, when a person becomes full of love in his heart, then that person becomes happy and people gets happiness and joy from that person. It comes when more selfish is the person, more love will come to that persons existence. Political people will never want you to become selfish. Their interest is to exploit you. I am not against politicians, there are a lot of politicians who are doing good work, but only then they can do the good work, that they will know, that they are the servant of the people, not the master of the people. But unfortunately after they go to the office, rather they are the servant of the people, they become Master of the society, exploit simple people, in every possible way, they control the holy places, or so called holly places have to join in their work for to exploit the people. As a result, in the western society particularly, now there has no western society, everywhere is the western society, the eastern society don`t exist anymore, it just exist in the book. So, you will see everywhere, they condemn the selfishness, they say selfishness is bad thing, it is ugly things, but in truth, in the journey to your inner center, if you are not self-centered, there is no chance, whatsoever to know yourself. When some person becomes self-centered and attain the happiness, then you can see, in the past, in the presence or the future, what happens, they give love so much to the world, they shower with compassion like a waterfall, if Buddha was not selfish, not focus to himself, the world was never going to know the beauty of Dhammapada, we are never going to see the ultimate flowering of human being. We are never going to see the dance of Krishna, the joy of Gopis. We are not going to see the loving face and the voice and ceremony of Jesus Christ. Only when one becomes full with love in his heart, then it overflows. Ancient Yogis knew that, self-centerdness is the only way in modern world, one can be happy, perhaps not only present time perhaps in future also, it will be the only way to be happy. It might surprise you, but try to understand deeply about this concept about this idea or understanding. A person does not live in a isolation. A person lives with all other people, even if he lives in the house, or some forest, or some cave, he need to communicate with the world, he need to come down to the society and interact with the people, and if the society is unhappy, the people who are surrounding him are unhappy, it will create a chain reaction, and in that chain reaction, he cannot remain aloof, so other peoples sorrow will make him sad, so other peoples pain, will bring pain in his being and so on so forth. So if he is selfish, or self-centered, then there has a door open for him, to bring his own reality, if at the beginning it is painful, sorrow, negative, whatsoever, but if he keep on working, purifying, then a time will come, that he will be like a dewdrop or the drop of a honey. Sweet like nectar and automatically, that will overflow, that will shine, that will spread all around him. He will do everything not for to do charity, for to get appreciation or any kind of return, he will do it out of overflow of joy, he will do it out of self-satisfaction, out of self-realization is, everything around him is part of God and holy. Out of circumstances things became negative and poisonous, but the original self of human being is beautiful, kind and generous and loving. Even, the drunkard, or the most ferocious man in the world, if you see deeply, you will find somewhere a shining part of his self or being is loving and kind. In the history of Buddhas, yogis, it have been shown, that the murderers, also became Vishnus, ferocious persons also became great embodiment of kindness. It is possible, if one becomes loving and it is possible to be loving only, if one move inwards. When a person is sick or ill only then a doctor is needed, same way a person is sad, miserable, confuse, frustrated priest is needed, political leaders are needed to guide, but if you are happy, then they are absolutely not needed, they will become unemployed, so great economical matter is involved behind condemn you, if you become selfish. If you become selfish and self-centered, they all will be unemployed, if you think about yourself, then why you will go to some other country and will kill people? It will be absurd for you, but if you are angry, if you are just bubbling with revenge, then it is easy for them, to send you to somewhere and kill people, murder people and all kind of destructive things you will do, just your negative emotions you are suppressing inside to release. They can use some rational excuse, religion, nation or any kind of ...ism to push you to do some destructive thing, if their is a deep anger is bubbling up inside you.

And how you can be happy, when you are always pull and pushed and for to be outside and for to be inside, because your soul needs centering, more it becomes close to its own center, it becomes more happy, calm and cool, more and more it goes away from its choir, it becomes weak, it becomes unhappy and sad, so for to be happy, you need to be wise, you need to be conscious, that you have to protect yourself and just be centered at least you can take the first step for to make your poison inside into honey. Happy person always like to be alone, happy person like to be with his own self, because if he is with its own self, he can enjoy the music, he can enjoy the dance of the nature, he can see, that so many things happening inside himself and there is so much to experience one inside going on. He don`t bother what is going on in Vietnam, or what is going on in China or here or there, because 99% times politicians, priests, they sacrifice individuals for their viscous aims and goals. They make a big gossip, they will say, this cause is bigger than life and by making that hundreds and millions people will be dead. When I was young, in College, that time I have seen, how many youths completely destroy their life for communism, they go against their family, they goes against even brother and sister and sometimes they fight with the police and died. But where communism is now? It disappeared in the sky, like a cloud. But do those beautiful youths, vibrant life ever will come back? They miss youth, the opportunity the nature give it to them to celebrate life, the beauty and the grandiosity of all around them, are they are going to get it again? So, unselfish person is not a good person, unselfish person is a uprooted person, uncentred and as a result, by and by he will become neurotic. Every individual have a aura around him. Anybody who will come closer to the Aura will immediately effect the person. Even if you see someone is looking at you deeply or longer, something happens to you? Why that happens, because the person is not even touching you, or saying something to you? It happens because your soul have a aura around it, your body has a aura around it and it needs space. More it have the cocoon, more it becomes peaceful happy, more its original nature blossoms. The person who is uprooted from his being, he becomes a unnatural person and as a result, how the person can become loving to the nature, how much green project the world can bring or talk about, it will never become successful, until human become the opportunity to get back to their original nature, they will be allowed, to be natural. Only a selfish person can become unselfish. A unselfish person is fighting with his own self. You will see, he is always serious tense, deep down he is ill. He is missing life, the people who are always moving around, moving outwards, they are lost. Once in your childhood, or your girlhood, you will be uprooted in your roots, it is very difficult to bring back to your own center. Because when you will start searching, the whole world, all the people at the present time at least I know, search here and there, and they all use all kind of activity, these and that, like spider net for to catch people in their nets. All other activity is outwards. Once you are caught outside activity, there has no way you can be again back to your root. If you want back to your root, that is inside your heart. Happiness is inside your heart, joy you can only experience, when your heart will dance, wherever you will go, if you are outwards, you cannot find joy, but if you can find your self center inside, you can be happy every moment. Even now,  you will feel, a dance of a butterfly in your heart and it can grow and grow, it can bring a smile on your face, it can bring a shining on your eyes.

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti.










Sri AakassDeep (Author) Founder of Shantinet  | E-Mail: myfriend@shantinet.eu