Sri Aakassdeep`s message of the day :
Religiousness is one of the greatest achievements of ones life, if you look at this point of view, in life one should achieve something. Because, religiousness make human separate from animal and make life full of happiness and joy. But a great wrong thing happened with humanity on religiousness, or about religiousness. That wrong thing is, when somebody is born, immediately, they identify the child with that religion. As a result, when the child grow up, start identify him by that religion and they think, just by born in that particular religion, he became religious. But it is not by that so. For to be religious one need to have heart to heart relation with that religion, not through the head. When the relation is through the head or through the mind, then he just hold a few ideas about that religion and if anything opposite to that, he starts believing this is wrong. For to make his belief right, he will not hesitate for to kill or destroy other people. He will believe, he is doing that things, because he is a very religious man. But it is absolutely horrible things happened with humanity. Because, all the Prophets, Messiahs, Buddhas, Mystics, Enlightened Beings always teach love, compassion harmony. So, for to know that, one need to study that, need to feel that in the heart and have to experience those experience by his own life. Only then, he will be able to be one with the Mystics and God. It needs time and freedom, to experience this. When they will grow to that maturity, then they will not simply listen somebody and jump into destructive activity. Because, in that experience he will know, Mohamed, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, they might come in different time, they might have said in different language, but all the Masters gave one message for peace, shalom, shanti. Anything against that, cannot be religion. Through that realization, automatically that persons self will shine with religiousness. He don`t need to practice or pretend to be a religious person. Religiousness will become his natural behavior. Religiousness will be his greatest strength and power to remove all kind of darkness and falsehood. He will illuminate where ever he will go and everybody will automatically see, the purity of his religiousness. So, one should not be forced to follow any religion, rather make the heart to heart relation, with the enlightened Masters. Please do not misunderstand that I am saying, someone to change their religion and follow some other religions or gurus. No, I am not saying that, neither I support that. Because it is absolutely foolishness and waste of time. Because my personal experience says, all the Masters said peaceful things and helped to rise spiritually and become a better human being.
So, what I am saying is, rather identify yourself by your birth religion and remain ignorant, uplift your consciousness and be one with the enlightened Masters, who established the religion you are born. For example, you born in a christian family and you identify yourself as a christian, once in a week go to the church, listen few things in the church and half of the time sleep and socializing or chit-chat with the people and believing you know about bible and you know about Jesus Christ and doing all kind of inhuman things in life. Sometimes out of guilty consciousness donate or do some charity church for the church and believe you are a good Christian. Same thing, for Muslim, this way you cannot be a good Christian or Muslim. For to be a good Christian you need to make a heart relationship with Jesus Christ and God and as a Muslim with Mohamed and God. Then only you will have love for Jesus, Mohamed and all other Masters also. Then you will not be able to fight among Christian, Muslim or Jews and kill each others with hate. Then religiousness will come and will feel brotherhood and respect for each other. Live with religiousness and respect other`s faith and belief. It will not only be confined with humans, you will have a respect for nature and all creation of God. Religiousness don`t come from birth, it comes from the heart. Let that happen in your heart.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.