Sri Aakassdeep`s message of the day :
One of the schools in America, a small boy start drawing all his pictures in black color. First few days teacher did not say anything, but when she observed, that this is going on, then she informed that to his parents. Parents scold him and told him to do the painting with other colors. Things did not bring any change. He continued to paint in black. School-board called the psychiatrist for psychoanalysis. They give all kind of psychoanalysis report. Something like, he is suffering inferior complex, in his deep unconscious mind black is so deep, that is reflecting all his painting so on so forth. Statistics people have been brought. They did the survey in all the schools. How many children are in fond of black colors, how many are fond of in other colors. News became so hot. It was starting to come in the newspapers, human right group moved to school, did their social rally: “This boy should get human right, he should not be forced to use any other color. To use black color is his natural color. So he should have the right to use black color. Religious people move, give their analysis, he must be obsessed with devil spirit, new age group, they start saying, he is a Avatar, coming from other world. When all this things have been happening, journalists and media, all are trying to make his picture and interview. So he need to hide himself for coming and going to school. One day a school cleaner saw him, he is going behind the back door, so he went to him and hold his hand with friendly attitude and told him, look I read your news, it is everywhere the headline in the newspaper and in the TV. Will you tell me, what is actually happening. The boy looked at him and felt the compassion in the eyes and filled the trust in him. So the boy told, there are a few bully boys in the class, they took his all color pencils. Now he only have black color pencil. So, when teacher tell him to paint anything, he can only use his black color pencil. The school-cleaner laughed, took him to the storeroom and gave him a box of color pencil. From the next day, the boy start painting his homework with all colors.
This is exactly the same situation in our society. Politicians have taken away all our freedom. Priest taken away our soul. Businessman's taken away all our wealth. All the time, only utility for humans is now work, work, work. Move faster and faster and faster. So, all the natural things of human life, has been stolen by a few bullies. Only one thing natural is left to the humanity, is sex. That also, was going to be taken away, if fertilization for the society was not needed. Science are already working on it, if there is any way, without sex can we continue to fertilize humanity. If science succeed in test tube babies and cloning in cheaper price, the near future, it will go for mass marketing. Maybe in future, many will go and preserve the sperm in the bank and woman will go to the bank, see the catalog and will purchase the seed or she will donate her egg and after one year, they will come and they will get the delivery of her baby. So, in future people are going to have personalized babies. So, they can always work and the ruler of the society can use humanity like slaves, like Egyptian times. There, only death will be the only way to be free. Because of only color left to humanity as a sex, nowadays humanity became so obsessed with one thing only, as a result, Sigmund Freud have to say: “Humans are only living for sex”. Wherever he looked, he saw sex and all his conclusions ultimately end up in sex.
But that is not true. Humans life have many colors. In fact all the colors of a rainbow. If humans return to their source, answer to the call of God. Don`t misunderstand me, I mean to return to any buildings, those buildings are not a place for God. Those buildings are made for to exploit humanity, because God is everywhere. It is so simple and plain. If God is everywhere, then why I need to go into some building for to find him?
Jesus Christ after his baptism, he went to the mountain and gave his first ceremony and told to the people:”Tasoya, kingdom of God will be open for you”. Tasoya, claim the kingdom of God.” The church in the 700 century, they translate the things to the word: “Repent, the kingdom of God will be open for you”. But Tasoya is having a different meaning, it means return and answer. So, if church use repent and kingdom of God will be open for you, then the whole humanity in a one brush becomes sinner. Because when you are a sinner, only then you repent. If you have not done any sin, why you will repent. So, in previous time, people need to offer money and sacrifice animal for their sin. So, if the whole humanity becomes sinner, then only one way for them to go to heaven will be to give money to the church, offer the sacrifice and confess in front of the priest, only then, they can go to heaven. It work so well, in 2000 years, Vatican became the richest bank in the world. Second richest bank is the bank of England. But, if instead of repent we use the true meaning Tasoya as “return the kingdom of God will be given to you”, then their has no question of sin, then there is no question of money and sacrifice for you sins. Because, if children are lost, then father want them to return. And if they return, they will return to their home, exactly in a simple plain language Jesus have said that. It cannot be said more simpler way than this. And if we take the other meaning, Tasoya as answer, then it is also again becoming so simple, Jesus Christ is saying, God send me to call you, You people lost in the worldly activity, now it is your time to answer the call of God. And back to God. Same we see in Islam.
When Mohammad Gods message, then God told Mohammad, go to the people and tell them God is calling them, so from the worldly activity, they should answer Gods call and return to God. That is the meaning of “Azan”, call of God and the people should answer to Gods call. Same thing we see with Buddha. When Buddha became enlightened and he gave his first discourse, he said, return to your inner source, your all ignorance will be removed. Except ignorance there is no sin. So, we can see, similarity with all the enlightened Masters from East to west. And they are saying to the humanity: Return from worldly viscous, destructive activities and return to their heart, where the temple of God is build. Your heart is the temple of God. That temple, that church is build by the hand of God. If you go there, if you return there, God is waiting for you. In your heart, God is calling you, if you listen his call, you will claim your kingdom of heaven.
2000 years before Jesus said it. All the enlightened Masters of all times have said it and it will be true in future time also.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.