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Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

At the beginning I show my respect to one God, Supreme of all Supreme. I show my respect to all the enlightened Masters of the past. I show my respect to all the Master and Teacher of Peace, who are carrying the light of peace and dedicated their life for that. And I am showing my respect to all the heroes and heroines of the future , who  will  be  self-realized  and  will  become   enlightened  . 

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."

( Christianity, Matthew 5.8 )


Sri Aakassdeep`s message of the day :  

Purity physical and mental is not a moralistic concept. Ancient sages, they were not at all moralistic. It does not mean, they were immoral or antisocial. In fact, later, moral code of conduct, ethics, born out of their teaching and example of lives. Sages always talk and encourage purity, those are interested for self-realization and divinity. They know when one will be pure, then none-violence, morality, humility will automatically follow like a shadow with that person. In India, if you mixed water with milk, then that milk will be called impure milk. But milk is pure, water is also pure, then why it is called impure, rather you should call double-pure. But it is impure, because you add two different elements together. And that brings impurity. Ancient yogis says the body is a temple of God, if one need to connect or bring God within, or soul need to connect with the supreme soul, then body need to be pure. But, what we see in modern Indian Yogis are doing, not taking shower, growing bears, growing nails and hairs, this are all insults to the body. Lots of foreigner goes there and become attracted to them and misunderstand this as a part of spiritual practice, and believe, this are great yogis and great purifiers of their bodies. Yoga Sutra of Patanjali says completely opposite to it. Torturing the body, is not purifying the body. Torturing the body, don`t make the body pure. In Christianity, there are lots of religious groups, torturing their body, is their ritual of their prayer. In mid age times, priest used to torture and beat their bodies, and blood role down  to their body and more they will torture, more higher is their priesthood. For to become enlightened six years Buddha did all kind of practices for to purify his body, but finally he realized, by torturing the body, is not the way to purify the body. For to purify the body, a yogi or a sage need  to live exactly in the middle. Buddha says, if the string of a sitar (instrument like guitar) is too strong, then it will be torn and if it is too loose, it will make noise. Real music, can be only played when it is not too hard, not too loosen, exactly in the middle. First to understand little bit of physical phenomena our body, is made of cells and each cell of our body, carries seven million information. It functions automatically. So, you have to understand now, one percents body, is equal phenomena like a universe. They all are functioning so harmoniously. A child is born, from a very tiny cell, human egg and sperm, male seed. They unites, form lives, keep multiplying an keep growing. At the beginning, if you see the picture of a human, you will not be able to figure it out, it is a human, because it will just look like a ball of muscles. In few months times, it start growing very rapid speed, in this few months, the human baby cross millions and millions years of evolution. The whole process happens inside mothers womb, behind human eyes. And in every stages, a great phenomena human baby crosses. And finally, when it comes out from mothers womb, it comes out like a human baby. This baby, outwardly, looks very small, but in reality, ancient yogis discovered this baby is just a seed. Through the times, it will blossom, with its all colors and shapes of its past. It is carrying all its Gunas: Tamo, Rajo, Satto. These Gunas are combined form of elements, of nature. Through birth and rebirth, they purify the elements and becomes more pure beings. It is very much like crystals. At the bottom very rusty, almost like a rock, in the middle is clean, but not transparent. On the top, totally transparent and high point it is sharp like a needle, and there all seven colors radiates and reflects. Same in the beginning, they will go through Tamo, Nature,mostly this is nature like animals, in fact we can say it is the nature of animals in a human body. They cannot remain silent, they cannot concentrate inwards, always need some physical activity, always very outwardly, but by birth and rebirth, they will transform into Rajo-Gunas. In Rajo-Gunas peoples are more interested about accumulation, you will see these peoples, where ever they will find something and will like to bring it into their home and place. These people will travel all over the world, particularly rich industrial, countries people, they travel to foreign countries and collect old stuff and hang in their living rooms. They always like to dominate and rule people, they always stuck in the head, they are thinking type of people, make policies for the societies, priests, professor in the universities and they live the whole life believing, they are the most intelligent people on earth. Because by dominating the Tamo-people a great pride comes in them. In fact, these are the peoples, are the creator of religion and laws. Kings, politicians and more pure Rajo a person will be, more success he will gain in society. These are the people who give the definitions, reasons, for war, and make horrible things to do, but it looks like good things, like join in army and kill other people, then you become a patriot. These people might wear nice suit, clean dress, but there hand is full of blood. When evolution and progress happens to the human soul and being, then he becomes satto. These are the salt of earth, this are the diamonds in our existence. These are souls, make humanity worth living life. My own experience says, from animal body, when one is getting a human body, it needs at least 84 births for to reach satto-consciousness. These people are beautiful like a flower, in fact I should say, they are more beautiful like a flower. In this life, they jump out in fact, some way or other, society or nature, will do a mistake on them, something like, they will be so simple in their childhood, or boyhood, that nobody will give a attention to them, as a result, they will simply escape from the social matters and will later will become a mystic. I like the word mystic, because it is almost like that person is a mistake of the society, could not be trapped in the mud and on him could not be done nasty things. I have studied or experienced the biography of mystics and one thing I find very common, among the parents, whether father or mother was dead, or they have been brought up far from the parents, or very poor, brought up with many children, or physically handicapped, or their parents are extraordinary different, very sweet and loving. So, they don`t impose hardship on the child. As a result, it can call it, psychological or spiritual, a great phenomena happen with him, and give him a different way to look at life, society and surrounding. From there journey starts and finally reach to universal consciousness or god consciousness, whatever you like give it a name, but a great human being rise in humanity, trough that God reflects, the beauty of God shines, the phenomena is so different, for humanity it is so difficult to believe in the world of animal-society, where people are crawling in sex, money, power, in the same place, somebody blossom like a lotus with his grandiosity. We cannot believe, that it can be a human being, who can transform in such a shining star. From coal he became a diamond. We wonder, from such a black coal-mine can become such a beautiful shining phenomena. Then we say, no he must be son of God. He must be Avatar or a Buddha. But it is, the transformation, from the impurity to the purity, the miracle of nature was revealed. Through that purity, divine melody of God was played, was sung and the whole world and universe listened that music and is memorized by that sweetness. This illuminated human beings are the great offering of flowers on the altar of God, that`s why we call them Saints. Their fragrance is so sweet, they leave the body, but their fragrance carries thousands of years, and fragrant vibrates in the human existence.


Aum Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.



Sri AakassDeep (Author) Founder of Shantinet  | E-Mail: myfriend@shantinet.eu