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Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

At the beginning I show my respect to one God, Supreme of all Supreme. I show my respect to all the enlightened Masters of the past. I show my respect to all the Master and Teacher of Peace, who are carrying the light of peace and dedicated their life for that. And I am showing my respect to all the heroes and heroines of the future , who  will  be  self-realized  and  will  become   enlightened  .

"Your Lord says, "Call on Me; I will answer your prayer."

( Islam. Qur `an 40.60 )


Sri Aakassdeep`s message of the day : 

True path is the most important thing for a seeker of truth and peace. There are countless of roads which are moving towards God. But most interesting all road leads to God. Some are longer paths, some are more shortcut. All the holy scriptures talk about the path to God, time to time prophet, Messiahs, Gurus, Munis, Rishis came and give the direction for the path, gave the technique. Mostly, one thing is common to all of them, the journey is threefold: Body, Mind and Soul. First stage is to purify the body, second stage is to relax the mind, third stage is to unite with God in Samadhi. There has so many techniques, rituals, systems and technical things, but I like highway. My favorite is always highway. And the highway is the path of Love. It start from the heart and it ends in the heart. It is the most shortcut beyond imagination. I found this, in a mythological story. The story is something like this: God create the humans and start playing hide and seek in the heaven. And every time God is hiding but human was always finding God, wherever he hides. So, finally God give up and then finally God was asking to the chief angel, what to do about this, everywhere I hide, man always find some track and finds me. Then the old angel smiled to God and whispered  in Gods ear, if you want to hide and you want man will not find you, there is only one place to hide, where if you hide he will never find you. And that place is inside humans heart. Because that place he will never look. Because the whole game of search is outside and God smile and from that day God hide and nobody is finding God after thousand of years searching. And if you observe the history, every one of them who became enlightened, all of them one thing is common in everyone of them, for years and years they stop searching and went inside their heart and catch God “red hand”  in their heart. Because it is so interesting, if you want to search God where you will search him? Because where he is not? He is everywhere. So if you truly want to find the highway path, then first stop searching. Fall in love with God. Love for God is like the baby is crying for her mother. Baby knows she have a mother, because without mother, how she have come to existence? But because of some work, maybe mother is not seen by the baby. But how far is the mother? Mother always conscious about the baby. And mother knows very well, every needs of the baby. And she always keep the baby in save distance, so whenever she will need, she can immediately reach to the baby. And it is such a game for the baby the moment the baby starts crying, mother become helpless, and wherever the mother is, she will run for the baby. It is a great secret of the existence, when from the bottom of your soul, you will call to God, God will be always there. God says in all the holy scriptures, if you call me from the purity of your heart, I will be always there for you. This world, is full of problems, difficulties, cruelties, in this, how one can find God without Gods grace?  The universe is so vast, how one can find God, if God don`t want to be caught? Because of this, in the East, all the enlightened Master call it, “lila”. In English, they translate lila as illusion, but it is the wrong translation. The right translation is, lila means cosmic game.

Who fall in love, they experience this cosmic game. In the west, the scientist, did the research on matters, and all their research, move in the triangle of matter, sex and power.

They spend year after year after year, in this triangles.

Some scientist did great experiment and found humans do everything for sex. But it is really unfortunate, for the people, upon these scientists are doing research and for the animal kingdom, where they are looking for reverence, there this is true. But if they are going to do research on Mariam, Fatima, Meera, then they are going to experience, then they are going to find the mystery of love, where their existence is so high, high like a Mount-Everest. In the world, father and mother comes, they go away, husband, wife or brother, sister and friends, they come and go away. But Ones love is always there for you, that is Gods love. When peoples forget God, but God never forgets them. But when men fall in problem and in pain, only then they turn to God. And when God reply, only then, they experience, that God is, listening their pray, or responding their love. But the truth is, Gods love is always around everyone of us. If one experience that love in the heart, then one can see the smile on a flower, listen the music in the flowing water, sun shines his glory. Every dimension becomes full of joy and happiness. Once one allow this love to flow in ones heart, life becomes so abundant with its juice, one become drunk and intoxicated with that drunkenness. Gods love is the wine of Christ. All sin, all impurity, can simply be washed away by that. In the ocean of pain and sorrow of the world, one can sail fearlessly and can go other shore of their life. In East, they call God: “Sam”. Sam means blue. West do not understand this, they call God Sam because of deep love, when water becomes deep, then it becomes blue. The sky when it becomes deep, then it becomes blue. When one drowned in the love of God, then it becomes blue. In Africa, particularly in Ethiopia, they make Jesus Christ Statue in blue. Because of this, lot of African thing, Jesus Christ was black, but in reality, it is the secret of love. When they feel love for Jesus Christ, then Jesus Christ reveal to them in blue. In love, God and devotee becomes one, at the feet of true master, one can learn all this mystery of love, because it is very easy to experience the drunkenness beside a drunker. All the true masters are drunker of Gods wine of love. Love is the path of highway to God.

Aum Shanti, Shanti, Shanti. 





Sri AakassDeep (Author) Founder of Shantinet  | E-Mail: myfriend@shantinet.eu