Sri AakassDeeps Commentary:
At the beginning I show my respect to one God, Supreme of all Supreme. I
show my respect to all the enlightened Masters of the past. I show my respect
to all the Master and Teacher of Peace, who are carrying the light of peace and
dedicated their life for that. And I am showing my respect to all the heroes of
the future, who will discover themselves and will become enlightened.
What is love? Do we really know? Or what is the point in knowing about love? What is the use of love in our life?
Love is the most beautiful art that can happen in human life. Love is not to be learn. Love is to be experienced. If your heart is open, love will bloom in your heart, and without realizing you will become aware of love.
Love is like a lotus flower. It is rooted in the clay. It`s body goes through the water but it blooms in the air. Love starts with the body. It goes through feeling and it blooms in the universe. Finally it`s color becomes compassion and bliss: God. But the seed of love is in your body. It`s root spreads all over your body, and when it grows you will feel it deep in your heart. The foundation of love is there. You cannot build a house on air. You need a base to build your home on; a foundation is needed. If there is no foundation, there is no love. There can be imagination, but imagination is not love.
Love is reality. Love is life. From the body something tremendous will happen in your heart. The feeling will be so vast. It will happen through your body but the feeling will be larger than your body. Logic will never understand this. It is beyond the capacity of the logical mind, it is beyond the range of understanding.
The way that ice melts in the ocean and slowly disappears to become one with the ocean, is the same way your feelings will melt with Nature and then a miracle will happen. Love is so dynamic. When it happens to you, you will know. Your whole being will scream, "Yes, yes. It happened". Your whole existence will become a celebration. Everything you see in Nature will become beautiful. Everything you listen to will be as sweet as honey.