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Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.

At the beginning I show my respect to one God, Supreme of all Supreme. I show my respect to all the enlightened Masters of the past. I show my respect to all the Master and Teacher of Peace, who are carrying the light of peace and dedicated their life for that. And I am showing my respect to all the heroes and heroines of the future , who  will  be  self-realized  and  will  become   enlightened  .


Sri  Aakassdeep`s message of the day :


This world is full of misery, full of suffering, full of problems and then, people keep on living in that life. Are they crazy? Are they idiots? Are they blind? No, they are not. The world is full of intelligent people, in fact, most of the people in the world are very beautiful in their heart and very intelligent. It will be almost impossible to find and idiot. In the past, in India, many kings have a hobby to collect for idiots, because it is a rare phenomena, to find a complete idiot in the world. You can see that phenomena in West also, in the circus the jokers or the clown. So, if people are so intelligent, then why they are crawling in the misery? This is something very deep matter to penetrate and meditate. For to find this secret, of this matter, we can take help on an ancient book: Bhagavad Gita. Many people, particularly West, I should not mention like West, because in India also, they just read Gita for as a holy book, so that they can go to heaven. But, Gita is more a ruler to understand the human society and its psychology, so that one can overcome that issue and can create a bridge for to go to the other side of life.

In the Bhagavad Gita, it is a conversation between Lord Krishna and his devote, disciple and friend Arjuna. In this conversation, take place just before the beginning of a great war of India, called “Mahabharata war”. The great significance of this war was, in this war, Arjuna need to fight against his enemy, but this enemy's are not anybody else, rather his own grandfather, uncles, cousin, his own teacher who taught him, everything he learned in his own life, his friends, with whom he played from his childhood. And his only support, his guide Lord Krishna refuse to fight for him. He only agree maximum to be his driver of his charier. In no circumstances he will use weapon. So, Arjuna is one of the best warrior of that time. But he need to fight against his grandfather who hold his little finger and learned him how to walk. And he is the commander in chief of the enemy side. Just imagine one time the situation. Your hear will stand in the body if you visualize and feel it, that you are standing in front of your grandfather and you have to kill the grandfather if you want to win the war. Because of this war and family and Krishna's strange role, western mind don`t understand how Bhagavad Gita can be a holy scripture. They think it is a book of family-dispute problem story. But it is not that. In fact, this book is a book written in a code language, very seriously. Just like Torah.


Okay, let`s start breaking the Code of Gita.

Here Arjuna is nobody else, it is you. And Krishna is all the divine Masters together. They will not participate in your fight, but they will give you advice to understand and to understand the situation and go through the problem. On the other side, the opponents are the world. This enemies are no one else except your most beloved people whom you trusted, with whom you grew up, who you went for to learn the knowledge, your teachers and priests. Like Arjuna you also a great warrior, you also a very intelligent person, now dilemma starts. One point in your life, you will become aware of the situation, that your freedom is completely destroyed, a little space of freedom your enemy is not ready to give to you. In the entire world there will not be small piece of land for you, where you can live in freedom, where you can live with your total solidarity. After realizing this situation, you will have two choices: If you want to live with your freedom, you have to fight and in the beginning of the fight, first you will face your ancestors. And one by one they will come and their only target will be to destroy yourself. They will allow your to live only your have to live under their rule like a slave. I mean like a slave, they will not slave you, but you have to live like a slave. Physically you will be able to move, but mentally you will not have any freedom. Whatever they will tell you to believe, you just have to believe, religion, god, nationality, morality, this and that. What is not allowed is your self-experience about truth. If you say, how could I believe in God, without experiencing God? It looks like a valid intelligent persons approach, isn`t it? But, in slavery life, this is not allowed. Master said, there has a God, so do there has a God. Master says God want this, God don`t want that. So, you do that what God want and you don`t do that, what God don`t want. But there will be no room for you, to experience what really God want and what really God don`t want. You have to live this ignorance and darkness from birth, until you take your last breathe. And this organized crime has done is such a organized way, this agent will stand next to you, even in your last breathe. Because of this, how much intelligent people are, how much strong they are, one point they just give up, kill their soul and live like cops (dead bodies). Knowing what they are missing, but how to fight and stand against the faith and mother, their religion, their prejudices, their beliefs? So, they just live and hope after life, but after life is nothing except consoling themselves a consolation price for their great sacrifice. In Mayas time, they cut the chest of a living man an take out the heart from the chest and offered that to the altar of God. In Hindu old times, they cut humans head and offered the blood to the Goddess. But nobody sees, how many lives in the society slaughtered and offered to their imaginary God and establish a monster world all around. Many people in 21 century changed their religion or follow some false Gurus and believe they had escaped from the jail. They are dreaming. In this world, there is not  a single place, where this monster are not ruling. And if anybody try to create any place for freedom and meditation or direct experience of truth, that place will be attacked, destroyed less than no time. They burn Pythagoras and thousands of people alive, they gave poison to Socrates and crucified Jesus, burn millions of people in middle-age, slaughter Sufis in India, kill Lamas in Tibet. Lamas are killed and beaten on roads and the whole world will stand still and remain silent and will like to console themselves we are civilized, we established a civilized world, everything is okay.

Arjuna trying to give every excuses one by one for to run away for this war, to fight for freedom, to fight, to experience his self, his self-religion (Sadharma), and Krishna is representing all the divine Masters and explaining to him and showing him by escaping he cannot solve the problem. Again and again this problem will come and will stand face to face every time he will be born. So, now this life, this time, is the great opportunity hold your ground and fight.  Fight for freedom. This fight is not to conquer anything. In this fight, nobody to be killed, only you need to destroy the mind, they created inside you to control you. Because of this, Krishna is saying to Arjuna, nobody is going to die. Because in this war, self-realization is the weapon, to defend yourself, from the all enemies are going to attack you, and the mind is the battle field. If you conquer, you are free, if you die, you will die as a hero. That`s why, in Islam it says, the one who dies in the holy war, he direct goes to heaven. From my own experience I am saying to you. Yogis always don`t die enlightened, many lives they die in half way, they die in the middle of self-realization, but the great reward, they get in that the next life, they born conscious. In next life, that conscious birth, is the heaven, Mohammad is talking about. Killing human beings cannot be a holy war, those terrorists are using it as an excuse for to fulfill their viscous purpose. Middle-age time other religions used that, as holy war and this time a group of fanatics are using for to exploit sweet and beautiful Muslim people. Islam means peace. The whole religion is for to live peacefully, but when you translate the things, literately, then it goes so far from the essence of the speech. Just for on example, God says, if you want my love, you have to sacrifice your animal, so what it means, inside every human being, there has an animal. By having that animal inside, by carrying those animals vices, we can never experience God, so God is saying if you sacrifice the animal inside you for me, then you can experience me in the beauty in lovingness, in kindness, in compassion. But unfortunately, just for to translate that literately, so many goats, cows and camels, they slaughter innocently every year. The day they do this slaughter of animals, if you see it with your eyes, you will not be able to see it, animals after animals they are slaughtering and a river of blood flows.

So we all have to go deep, the essence of religion not to understand it literally, from the river of bloods, then we can make river of love. Instead of violence, we can experience universal friendship. Instead of fighting, we can make universal coexistence. Instead of carrying hate in our heart, we can share love with all hearts.


Om Shanti  Shanti Shanti.

Sri AakassDeep (Author) Founder of Shantinet  | E-Mail: myfriend@shantinet.eu